Is it possible to live with less regret
and more grace?


Hello there! I’m Jennifer.

Yes! You can slow down and live with less regret, deeper connections, and more joy.

How, you ask? By growing in grace, grace + more grace!

You’ve heard about grace and you know you need it. But what does grace look like when you’re bombarded by busyness and overload? What does grace sound like when the noise of life threatens to undo you?

Grace requires acknowledgment that a separation has taken place. It’s forgiveness rather than keeping score – favor that’s reflected in God’s forward movement toward you.

The messy parts of life aren’t optional.
Living a graceless life is.

If REAL GRACE for your REAL LIFE resonates with a need for your community, please feel free to contact me. Let’s work together to live a kinder, gentler, more grace-filled life.

Welcome in!

Jennifer Sakata Headshot 2024

Living the Grace Life Podcast

with Jennifer Sakata

Launching Tuesday, September 3, 2024!

Join Jennifer Sakata and special guests to navigate intricate issues of forgiveness, belonging, and empowerment as faithful expressions of God’s generous grace.

But what is God’s grace? What is it not? What does grace look and sound like amid a busy and full-plated life?

Through stories, authentic conversations, and biblical teaching, Jennifer helps bridge the gap between what we think about grace and how we live through it.

What women say about

Jennifer Sakata

“Jennifer goes beyond the surface to the heart. She holds beauty until people see it for themselves. She is fiercely dedicated to transformation no matter what ‘the mess’ is.”

~ Juli Adams, Director of Spiritual Formation at Golden Presbyterian Church

“Compelling storyteller. Gentle spirit. Passionate communicator of God’s Word in truth and love with grace. Pastor Jennifer tenderly shepherds many a soul while overcoming personal hardship throughout her steadfast ministry. Her voice offers listeners a beautifully balanced mix of a dear BFF, wise counselor, and mighty prayer warrior.”

~ Leigh Mackenzie, Author of She Seems So Normal

“You gotta meet this girl! She makes the Jesus Way more accessible and compelling.”

~ Kara M., wife and mom of two sons

“What a gift! She laughs at herself, making life lighter and more bearable with her caring and grace-filled personality.”

~ Susie

“Jennifer is a deep thinker with a sense of urgency to assist others living in a relationship with Jesus.”

~ Melissa M., mom of three and professional home designer

“Jennifer sees beyond the surface to the heart. She sees gold under the dirt and helps people see it too. Jennifer knows how to hold someone else’s beauty until they can see it for themselves.”

~ Anonymous, with permission

“Jennifer shows me God. Instead of focusing on what she did wrong, or what I did wrong, she shows me a different way.”

~ Sharla D., retreat participant and mom of two adult sons

“Jennifer writes and speaks like she lives…a signpost pointing us to Jesus! Jennifer is a woman after God’s heart, who is also after the hearts of all, desiring to bring them closer to Jesus.”

~ Cheryl R., business woman, community leader, mom of adult sons

“Jennifer’s study opened my eyes and heart to trust in God more. Through this class, God is helping me tear down some walls and push out some boulders that don’t belong there anymore!”

~ Penny B., class participant

“I had several ‘aha’ moments  – you turned the light on for me by making scripture easier to understand. Thank you!”

~ Patty M., class participant

“This class was soooo good for my soul!”

 ~ Crystal S., mom of three

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