by Jennifer Sakata | Oct 27, 2023 | Growing in Grace, Once a Year Posts
The Hurry of Maycember is Upon Us Is anybody feeling over-scheduled, overwhelmed, and undone? How do we survive December’s activity during May? Because this grace-seeking gal is showing signs of wear and it’s only the beginning of May! Maycember is upon us. I...
by Jennifer Sakata | Oct 27, 2023 | Grace in Parenting, Growing in Grace, Home Page
What does God’s grace look like for a mom? Motherhood is complicated. God’s grace for a mom is not. Motherhood is this mishmash of joy and disappointment, frustration and pride. It’s the warm fuzzies of snuggles at night pock-marked by the guilt and...
by Jennifer Sakata | Oct 26, 2023 | Grace in Marriage, Growing in Grace, Home Page
What does maturity look like in marriage? It’s not at all what I thought it would be. A lifetime ago, we stood radiant before God, surrounded by our family and friends. I see the deep claret of our lilies and the cascading vines as long as my wedding gown....
by Jennifer Sakata | Oct 26, 2023 | Grace in Marriage, Growing in Grace, Home Page
Do you want to grow your marriage as we do? Discover how with 15 + 1 lessons learned from a recent marriage conference. The Sacred Surrender of Self “Can you wait just a little bit longer?” I was on a silent retreat, half a world away when I heard God whisper these...
by Jennifer Sakata | Oct 26, 2023 | Devotions, Growing in Grace
What is Peace? What is peace if it isn’t the absence of conflict? Sometimes the peace of God doesn’t look as we think it should—at least not at the start. Webster defines peace as: Freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility. A state or period in which there...
by Jennifer Sakata | Apr 25, 2023 | Growing in Grace, Home Page
What is grace? Why do I need it? Keep reading… Just as soon as I let them exit my mouth, I wished I could take them back. It wasn’t so much the words themselves but the tone and the disregard that became obvious as the words came spewing out of my mouth. The guilt...