by Jennifer Sakata | Sep 4, 2024 | Growing in Grace, Home Page, Living the Grace Life, Podcasts
Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by the pressures in your life, you thought you were having a heart attack? As if elephants were sitting on your chest? That’s the way my guest today describes the weight of anxiety in our daily lives. Anxiety is Real In this...
by Jennifer Sakata | Sep 4, 2024 | Growing in Grace, Home Page, Living the Grace Life, Podcasts
Have you ever wished you could take your words back but know you can’t? Like toothpaste out of the tube, words can’t be put back in. Regret creeps in while grace waits for an invitation. What is Real Grace? You’ve heard about grace and you know you...
by Jennifer Sakata | Aug 30, 2024 | Home Page, Living the Grace Life, Podcasts
Welcome to the corner of real grace for your real life. Join Jennifer Sakata and special guests as they navigate intricate issues of forgiveness, belonging, and empowerment as faithful expressions of God’s generous grace. But what is God’s grace? What is it not? What...
by Jennifer Sakata | Oct 12, 2023 | Home Page, Joy: In & Out of Season, Once a Year Posts, Podcasts
Pursuing joy in and out of season requires we hold onto God in the “hard” of this life. Does joy come easily for you? Or is joy “reserved” for people whose bubbly personalities come by it naturally? Consider this: have you ever met a person named Joy with...
by Jennifer Sakata | Oct 12, 2023 | Devotions, Home Page, Joy: In & Out of Season, Podcasts, Pursuing Joy
How do you choose joy when the ‘ands’ of life unsettle? It had been sitting on my bedroom floor for several weeks. Crisp mornings and clearer evening skies signaled it was time to bring it up. The big tan box with the criss-crossed brown lid. It was filled...
by Jennifer Sakata | Oct 12, 2023 | Devotions, Joy: In & Out of Season, Podcasts, Pursuing Joy
Joy is God’s Design – Even in Winter Have you considered that joy in the dead of winter is God’s design for our lives? One January, COVID came knocking for the second time. It was while we were required to isolate for a minimum of 10 days. I’m a mom of two...