
Living the Grace Life


Living the Grace Life Podcast Cover Art

Living the Grace Life Podcast

with Jennifer Sakata


Welcome to the corner of real grace for your real life. Join Jennifer Sakata and special guests to navigate intricate issues of forgiveness, belonging, and empowerment as faithful expressions of God’s generous grace.




But what is God’s grace? What is it not?


What does grace look and sound like amid a busy and full-plated life? Through stories, authentic conversations, and biblical teaching, Jennifer helps bridge the gap between what we think about grace and how we live through it. Each episode helps shift our understanding of grace from a Sunday morning concept to an everyday, lived experience.


God’s grace is that forward movement that restores connection and rebuilds relationships.


Living the Grace Life is a solo and interview podcast committed to transformation, helping you replace the overwhelm of doing more and living less with a slower pace that nurtures God’s real grace in your real life.


Grace for you. Grace for them.


Listen in now and let’s grace this life!


Living the Grace Life

Show Notes

Ep. 08 Live Slowly: A Gentle Invitation to Exhale | Jodi H. Grubbs

Ep. 08 Live Slowly: A Gentle Invitation to Exhale | Jodi H. Grubbs

Do you live slowly? Or are you overwhelmed by “running the roads,” increasingly depleted no matter how hard you try to slow it down?

The crush of hustle culture costs more than we think and doesn’t disappear just because we want it to. But there is hope.

With insight and wisdom, Jodi leads us from running the roads of hustle culture to sustainable soul-care rhythms that slow our pace and make space for God, one another, and even, for ourselves.

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Ep. 07 Grace Prayer: First Pray, with 1 Timothy 2:1

Ep. 07 Grace Prayer: First Pray, with 1 Timothy 2:1

What is your typical first response when things get hard or you disagree with those in authority over you?

There’s no shame in texting a friend or downloading to anyone who will listen.

But when we pray first, our middle and finish turn out very differently than when we push through on our own.

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Also listen to: 

Joy: In & Out of Season

with Jennifer Sakata

In Joy: In & Out of Season, host Jennifer Sakata reminds us that joy is not for the privileged few. We follow four joy-fueled friends of the Bible and discover that joy is the result of practiced choices–regardless of circumstance or season.

Like all the fruits of God’s Spirit, joy grows as we draw near to God—especially in the mix of life’s ‘hard.’ 

Listen in and begin living a kinder, gentler, more grace-filled life by choosing joy today!

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